License Manager

VIP.LEAN Floating Licenses

The Jira App-In “VIP.LEAN Floating Licenses” offers a cost-effective solution for Jira Server and Data Center instances by optimizing the usage of user licenses. Our app helps customers reduce their expenses dramatically by automatically assigning licenses during the login process and freeing up licenses from inactive users. The number of concurrent active users typically corresponds to 20% of the user license tier, making the Jira licenses floating. This allows for greater flexibility and savings for your organization without sacrificing Jira’s functionality.

Maximize your savings on license costs and extend the benefits of Jira's features to a wider range of users with ease.

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Supported Jira Versions
  • Jira Server 7.3.0 - 10.x
  • Jira Data Center 7.3.0 - 10.x

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Smart License Assignment
  • Considering last user login Time
  • Considering last user activities on Jira issue types
  • Considering configurable inactivity Timeouts
  • Informing new users to retry the login, in case all floating licenses are in use

Ganz Neu
  • Compatible with third party App's
  • Based on standard Jira login function
  • Based on standard Jira user management function

Start your free 90-day trial now

Please specify the quantity of users you intend to provide access for using Floating licenses. As a general guideline, you can calculate this by multiplying your Jira user tier by five. For instance, if you have a 10-user tier, you would input 50.


Effective from January 1st 2025, the following pricing will apply. However, customers who began their Trial phase prior to this date will receive the previous pricing:
User Tier Virtual Users Costs / Year Cost
50 250 € 2500
100 500 € 2700
250 1250 € 3000
500 2500 € 3200 >  120000 $
750 3750 € 3400 >  130000 $
1000 5000 € 4100 >  180000 $
2000 10000 € 4300 >  350000 $
3000 15000 € 4500 >  350000 $
4000 20000 € 4600 >  350000 $
5000 25000 € 4800 >  350000 $
6000 30000 € 4950 >  350000 $
7000 35000 € 5200 >  350000 $
8000 40000 € 5400 >  350000 $
9000 45000 € 5500 >  350000 $
10000 50000 € 6700 >  350000 $
15000 75000 € 7700 >  350000 $
20000 100000 € 8000 >  315000 $
25000 125000 € 8500 >  270000 $
30000 150000 € 9000 >  225000 $
35000 175000 € 9500 >  180000 $
40000 200000 € 8000 >  135000 $
45000 225000 € 11000 >  90.000 $
50000 250000 € 11500 >  45.000 $

Effective from November 1st 2023, the following pricing will apply. However, customers who began their Trial phase prior to this date will receive the previous pricing.

User TierVirtual UsersCosts Year
/ Lifetime
Saved Costs
1050300 € / 450 €> 3500 $
25125400 € / 600 €> 6000 $
50250550 € / 800 €> 13000 $
1005001100 € / 1600 €> 22000 $
25012501300 € / 1900 €> 29000 $
50025001450 € / 2100 €> 35000 $
2.000100001600 € / 2300 €> 35000 $
10,000500002000 € / 3000 €> 45000 $


Upgrade User Tier

An User Tier Upgrade is required but not possible for the Jira Server version

Our app supports you

With our app you keep your Jira Server User Tier, but you allow more users to access Jira

Jira Costs

The license costs especially for the Data Center version increase with every new User Tier Level. The costs for installed Third Party Applications as well

Multi-instance ability

With our app you keep your Jira Data Center User Tier, but you allow more users to access Jira

Read more in our Blog Article….

Floating Licenses for Jira

VIP.LEAN Floating Licenses for Jira DC – Demo & Extended Trial

Export your Jira Data to your own BigQuery Data Lake using Talend ! Request a free live demo session and enjoy a free trial phase if you choose our support.
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